© 2022 Beat The Fraudster
by Doug McAdam
ot all frauds require your participation. Whilst scams require you to fall for their ruse, other frauds occur in the background completely without your knowledge or consent. E.g. identity theft.
ot all frauds require your participation. Whilst scams require you to fall for their ruse, other frauds occur in the background completely without your knowledge or consent. E.g. identity theft.
ot all frauds require your participation. Whilst scams require you to fall for their ruse, other frauds occur in the background completely without your knowledge or consent. E.g. identity theft.
Whilst millennials and the elderly are statistically at a higher risk due to lack of life experience or technological advancements, fraudsters often actively target business owners aged between 30-60 as they often have better credit ratings. Even high-ranking police officers and fraud specialists have fallen victim. Anyone is susceptible because we all have at least one of the following: a bank account, debit/credit card, an email account, a smartphone, or a computer/tablet.
This book will demonstrate how to spot fraudulent emails/texts/phone calls as well as protocols you can employ to make it harder for fraud to be perpetrated against you, encouraging the fraudster you are not worth the effort.
Should your bank accounts or debit/credit cards be compromised there are also ways you can limit the damage by compartmentalising your banking structure and using multiple PayPal accounts.
We never know when intruders are attempting to gain access to our digital world.
Find out more about how fraudsters are attempting to scam the public and how you can help yourself from avoiding any security compromises.
Doug is a fraud prevention enthusiast and loves to help other people protect themselves from being scammed by fraudsters.
E-mail: mail@beatthefraudster.com
(email mailbox has been fixed, in case you tried to email me 2022-2024; sorry for any inconvenience).
© 2022 Beat The Fraudster