© 2022 Beat The Fraudster
by Doug McAdam
As the world constantly changes, more crime is being perpetrated through electronic means: ‘cyber-crime’. I have shared ideas as to how to protect yourself better with friends and colleagues and it was suggested I share them with the wider public –
hence this book.
Doug McAdam – 2021
As the world constantly changes, more crime is being perpetrated through electronic means: ‘cyber-crime’.
I have shared ideas as to how to protect yourself better with friends and colleagues and it was suggested I share them with the wider public –
hence this book.
Doug McAdam – 2021
As the world constantly changes, more crime is being perpetrated through electronic means: ‘cyber-crime’. I have shared ideas as to how to protect yourself better with friends and colleagues and it was suggested I share them with the wider public – hence this book.
Doug McAdam – 2021
Hello everyone, I have written a book
‘BEAT THE FRAUDSTER‘ to help people not become a victim of fraud.
It is designed for OFFLINE as well as ONLINE protection.
Some frauds cannot be prevented as they are perpetrated without your knowledge, the impact can be great but you can limit the damage whilst you hope your money is refunded, making the situation much less stressful.
Hello everyone, I have written a book ‘BEAT THE FRAUDSTER‘ to help people not become a victim of fraud.
It is designed for OFFLINE as well as ONLINE protection.
Some frauds cannot be prevented as they are perpetrated without your knowledge, the impact can be great but you can limit the damage whilst you hope your money is refunded, making the situation much less stressful.
On the website www.beatthefraudster.com you can:
My motivation is to protect people; I have seen how the nasty criminals devastate lives.
The worst case I have ever heard of on the BBC was a solicitor who lost client money from her client a/c £750,000.
Let’s protect your family and friends by recommending the book.
The BBC says “you are 10-times more likely to be hit by some sort of fraud than being assaulted in the street”; why mug someone, when they can get thousands on a scam with very minimal risk of being caught.
I ask for your support by purchasing the book and if you like it recommend it to your family, friends and colleagues.
Let’s help everyone protect their own hard earned money.
Many thanks for your cooperation & support.
Doug is a fraud prevention enthusiast and loves to help other people protect themselves from being scammed by fraudsters.
E-mail: mail@beatthefraudster.com
(email mailbox has been fixed, in case you tried to email me 2022-2024; sorry for any inconvenience).
© 2022 Beat The Fraudster